Information about the Faculty
Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica
Abbreviated name: FVU AU
The Faculty of Fine Arts of the Academy of Arts was established by the Act of the National Council of the Slovak Republic no. 156/1997 Coll., with effect from 1 July 1997.
Legal status: The Faculty of Fine Arts is part of the Academy of Arts.
The seat of the faculty: Kollárova 28, 974 01 Banská Bystrica
Foreign language equivalents of the faculty name
English: Faculty of fine arts
German: Fakultät der Feinen Künste
Spanish: Facultad de bellas artes
Mission of the faculty
- provide arts education and prepare graduates in the field of fine arts
- lead students to humane values and show them the perspectives of their professional direction in the field of study Art
- to develop Slovak culture and its traditions
- to support the internationalization of education, within the framework of mobility and artistic creation
- to support artistic research, creative and publishing activities in the field of Art
- educate the human resources of the faculty to fulfill its mission
Faculty tasks
- provision of accredited study programs in all three levels of higher education and habilitation and inauguration proceedings in the field of Art
- carrying out research, development and artistic, publishing, exhibition and other creative activities
- carrying out cooperation with universities and art institutions at home and abroad in the areas in which it operates
- providing information and counseling services related to the study to applicants, students and other members of the academic community, with the possibility of employment of graduates of the study programs
- other tasks, defined by the legislative regulations of the National Council of the Slovak Republic and the Academy of Arts, of which the faculty is an organizational part.
The study programs realized at the Faculty of Fine Arts put emphasis on a wide scale of independent students’ activities and inventive thinking. The education process prefers a dialogue form of teaching in the studios. This means the teacher sensitively and individually leads the student to being able to ask relevant questions within the intentions of the particular program in order to be capable of viewing the problem from several aspects and formulate analytical and critical view of the given problem, the students himself and the world. The faculty puts big emphasis on evaluation of presentations and final works during the semesters.
Solving partial problems in a particular program, specialization or field of study anticipates certain algorithm which moves from the percept to the concept; from perceptually structured activities, through the following transcription with precisely set partial problem; to assignments of completely different character, which by their character and extent suitably complement and at the same time help to create notion and discourse thinking. It mostly deals with questions of uncovering eidetic talents of imaginative element and emotionalization of artistic expression, searching and explaining, realizing one’s won limits, or holistically perceived process of self-creation and self-reflection on the background of globalization processes of consciousness and culture.
Solving partial problems in a particular program, specialization or field of study anticipates certain algorithm which moves from the percept to the concept; from perceptually structured activities, through the following transcription with precisely set partial problem; to assignments of completely different character, which by their character and extent suitably complement and at the same time help to create notion and discourse thinking. It mostly deals with questions of uncovering eidetic talents of imaginative element and emotionalization of artistic expression, searching and explaining, realizing one’s won limits, or holistically perceived process of self-creation and self-reflection on the background of globalization processes of consciousness and culture.
Student of the Faculty of Fine arts is led toward certain level of visual literacy and esthetic consciousness in order to be able to search for and find his human and artistic identity along the lines of artistic media and technologies.