Doctoral studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts (FFA) focuses on acquiring knowledge based on the current state of artistic and scientific knowledge and especially on the student's own contribution to it, which is the result of scientific research and independent creative activity in the field of science or technology or independent theoretical and creative activity in the field of art. Doctoral studies are the highest level of higher education. Graduates of the doctoral study program receive a third-level university education. FFA conducts a doctoral study program in the field of Art in the daily external form of study. The standard length of study at FFA for the doctoral study program is three years in the full-time form of study and four years in the external form of study. Doctoral studies take place in the credit system. The number of credits, the achievement of which is a condition for the proper completion of studies, for a doctoral study program with a standard length of study of three academic years is 180 credits and four academic years is 180 credits. Completion of the state exam is a condition for proper completion of doctoral studies. The state examination in the doctoral study program is the dissertation examination and the defense of the final thesis. The final work is a dissertation. Studying according to the doctoral study program takes place according to an individual study plan under the guidance of a supervisor, which is drawn up by the supervisor and approved by the departmental committee. The function of trainer for the study program of the given field can be performed by university teachers of FFA AA working in the functional position of professor or docent and other experts after approval in the Artistic and Scientific Council (ASC) of FFA (or by the collective body of the faculty determined by the statute of the university). Before the admission procedure for doctoral studies begins, FFA lists the topics of dissertations that can be applied for as part of the admission procedure. A supervisor is assigned to each of the listed topics. Candidates for doctoral studies apply for one of the listed topics. Doctoral studies consist of a study part, a research and artistic part, and the pedagogical activity of a doctoral student (only in the form of a full-time study) or other professional activity. The study part of the doctoral studies mainly consists of lectures, seminars and individual study of professional literature, necessary aspects of the focus of the dissertation. The research and artistic part of the doctoral studies mainly consists of activities related to the preparation of the dissertation, consultations and artistic publishing and other activities. Part of the doctoral studies in full-time form is the implementation of pedagogical activity or other professional activity related to pedagogical activity in the scope of no more than four hours per week on average per academic year. Doctoral studies end with the defense of the dissertation. It demonstrates the ability and readiness for independent research and scientific activity or for independent theoretical and creative artistic activity. Doctoral studies may not exceed its standard length by more than two years in daily form and more than three years in external form. Graduates of doctoral studies are awarded the academic title "doctor of arts" " artis doctor”, abbreviated as “ArtD.”, after the name.
The organization of doctoral studies is dealt with in detail by the Guidelines for the organization of doctoral studies as an internal regulation of FFA.
• Trade Union Commission
Doctoral studies in a given field of study are monitored and evaluated by a departmental committee established according to the internal regulations of the university or faculty that implements the relevant study program. The members of the trade union committee elect the chairman from among their members:
doc. Mgr. art. Ján Triaška, ArtD. (chairman)
doc. Igor Benca, Acad. painter
prof. Miroslav Brooš, acad. painter
prof. Jiří David, acad. painter
prof. MgA., Ing. Michal Murin, ArtD.
doc. Štefan Balázs, acad. painter, ArtD.
doc. Róbert Brun, acad. painter
doc. Peter Gáspár, acad. sculptor
doc. Milan Hnat, acad. painter, ArtD.
doc. Miroslav Nicz, acad. painter
fm doc., PhDr. Katarína Rusnáková, Ph.D.
(Composition of the commission approved by ASC FFA AA on 29.6.2021)
Doctoral study program:
Name and number of study field: Art/8202
Number according to the register of study programs: 12152 (FT), 101102 (EX)
Type of study program: academically oriented, artistic
Form of study: full-time (FT)/external (EX)
Standard length of study expressed in academic years: FT/3 years, EX/4 years
Language in which study programs are conducted: Slovak
Academic degree awarded: Master of Arts (ArtD.)
Daily form:
• Description of the study program (FT)
• Recommended study plan (FT)
• Course Information Sheets (FT)
External form:
• Description of the study program (EX)
• Recommended study plan (EX)
• Course Information Sheets (EX)
• Graduate profile
Graduate of the doctoral study program Liberal Arts — Doctor of Arts (artis doctor , ArtD.) - demonstrates a systematic and deep understanding in the field of visual art, has practical and theoretical knowledge, skills and competences that correspond to the current state of knowledge, where he demonstrates his ability to conceive, construct and implement his original artistic research aimed at expanding the boundaries of artistic research and who can communicate with a wide lay and artistic community even in a foreign language. The graduate has knowledge that allows him to define and theoretically justify new authentic approaches and perspectives on artistic creation. Can perceive and apply connections between artistic creation and other forms of art, or other scientific disciplines within interdisciplinary overlaps. He has extensive professional knowledge from several areas of the field of study, which serve him as a basis for carrying out research, development and creating new knowledge in the field of art. The graduate creates artistically and realizes his research where he discovers innovative ways in the artistic processes of creation. He can generalize his experiences and define the links in the relationship creation - art artifact - communication - society. He can experiment in the field of artistic forms, verify and implement new research and creative procedures. The graduate is ready to participate in the formation of current trends and concepts in the field of visual art and its author's reflection. He is able to solve the most demanding tasks in the creation of a work of art and in its research. He can participate in long-term strategies and the formation of cultural policy. He is ready to independently present the results of his research before the professional community at home and abroad, publish in the field and manage it.
• Graduate employability
A graduate of the doctoral study program Free Visual Arts acquires the professional qualification to perform the profession of a visual artist at the level of Doctor of Arts. It is prepared both creatively and technologically for independent work in the field of visual art within the framework of free artistic creation. It has the prerequisites for artistic-pedagogical activities at art universities and can apply itself on the international labor market.
• Person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study program (PRSP)
prof., MgA., Ing., Michal Murin, ArtD.
• Program Board
For the liberal arts study program in daily and external form, a joint program board (PB) is established, which acts in the interest of developing the quality of the study program and is an advisory and auxiliary body of the person responsible for the implementation, development and quality of the study program (PRSP):
prof. MgA. Ing. Michal Murin, ArtD. (PRSP/Chairman)
prof. Miroslav Brooš, acad. painter (1. VTC)
PhDr. Katarína Rusnáková, Ph.D. (2. VTC)
prof. Jiří David, acad. painter (3. VTC)
doc. Mgr. art. Ján Triaška, ArtD. (4. VTC)
prof. PhDr. Zora Rusinová, PhD. (DO)
Mgr. art. Adam Macko, ArtD. (ZUP)
Mgr. art. Stanislav Piatrik, ArtD. (ZUP)
Mgr. art. Emília Rigová, ArtD. (ZAP)
Mgr. art. Michaela Šuranská (SR)
doc. Igor Benca, Acad. painter (DO/dean)
doc. Milan Hnat, acad. painter, ArtD. (DO/vice-dean for studies)
doc., Mgr. art. Patrik Ševčík, ArtD. (DO/vice-dean for scientific and artistic activities)
PhDr. Alena Vrbanová, PhD. (secretary/recorder)
PRSP – person responsible for the study program, VTC – persons with disabilities who provide profile courses and provide creative outputs, ZUP – representatives of artistic practice, ZAP – representative from the academic environment (or other institution operating in the field), SR – representative of students from the relevant SP, DO – other persons at the discretion of the PRSP.